Recently we received a monetary donation from a listener, Jeff Krosse… and then a second gift from him that we would like to share here.
It’s of the many of the Marines of VMF-214 (Black Sheep Squadron) taken on Dec. 27th, 1943 on an island called Vella Lavella in the Marshall Islands. It is signed by 3 of the pilots in the photo:
Capt Ed Olander (5 Zeros)
LtCol John Bolt (6 Zeros) (then Lieutenant) and
LtCol Bob McClurg (7 Zeros) (then Lieutenant)
Also of note – in this photo is none other than one Maj. Greg Boyington – “Pappy!”
Jeff writes: This pic needs to be on a wall amongst their brothers-in-arms. I’m sure you’ll find the right spot to hang it. It’s the one of the Black Sheep pose on the wings of Corsair #17740 in its revetment at Vella Lavella, Dec. 27th, 1943. The St. Louis Browns had issued them one team cap for each victory. Aces hold baseball bats.
80 years ago…
A more complete history of -214 and that period specifically, can be read here on a site put together by Don Holloway. It includes a photo clearly taken within minutes of this one on the same aircraft- -740 in its revetment on the island.