I Crashed Every Time Episode 42

Smytty and his Fellow Aviators

Single Engine, Single Seat Attack Pilot, Smytty, joins the show thi week to talk about some of the hijinks that most Marine Attack pilots will relate to immediately. Smytty flew the T-28 Trojan, A-4M, OA-4M, AV-8A and AV-8B in VMA-211, 214, and 331.

He tells of the wild times in West-Pac and the time in WTI when a classmate flew into the ground without ejecting and literally walked away from the crash. You read that correctly.

Come join us for a discussion of what many consider to be the ‘Golden Age’ of Marine Attack Aviation!

2 thoughts on “I Crashed Every Time Episode 42

  1. Immediately jumped to my favorite Podcast (MGG is still up there, but anything w wings will always win). The Lawman episodes are excellent fare for listener-recruitment ๐Ÿ™‚ Great work is happening here! Semper Gumby ๐Ÿ™‚

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