Happy Birthday, Yogi! Episode 14

Yogi and Master join us this week to tell their first-hand account of one of the most terrifying landings on an aircraft carrier in Naval Aviation history. Period. What started as a routine mission on Yogi’s birthday was supposed to end with Yogi becoming a “Centurion” as he got his 100th “trap” aboard an aircraft carrier. Instead, it turned into one of the most harrowing recoveries EVER conducted aboard a […]

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It Was a Dark & Stormy Night Episode 13

This week we welcome F-14 Driver “Jake” who relates how he got to fly the Tomcat, losing a mutual friend, what the real Top Gun school is about, what it feels like to be alone at night in 60ยบ water and 6 foot seas in a one man survival raft, and watching a rescue helicopter stop, look, and fly away. Jake relays more of Fig’s adventures and why he was […]

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One Hook on the Wheel Episode 12

This is another very inspirational episode – a story of personal triumph in the face tragedy. OB Joins us to tell of his days as a line support guy at an FBO in his home town – fueling and towing light civils. He goes on to tell of his time as a Harrier pilot and how it was cut way too short. But this isn’t a story of woe and […]

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On a Mission from God

We Were on a Mission from God Episode 11

Sheriff joins Fig and Repete to tell how his interest in aviation was initially sparked. Then he relays how it evolved from some wild adventures in light civil aircraft to his pursuit and success in becoming a Naval Flight Officer flying in military tactical jets. There is one specific story in light civil planes that was described then and now as: ‘We were on a mission from God!’ Sheriff recounts […]

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Fig-Dogs – Now Being Served Episode 10

Fig and Repete recount their time in VMA-223 with Colonel Mitch Triplett. Col. Triplett passed away this week and the show is dedicated to him. The consummate Marine, Aviator, Leader; “Trip” will be missed by all and remembered fondly. Some funny ATC interactions are recounted and then we lead into the prior-teased tale of the “Fig-Dog”. Not for the feint of heart, this really happened… and how it didn’t turn […]

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F-14 Crash Site

YeeHaw – Pester’s Dead! Episode 9

This week’s show is dedicated to the memory of Retired Navy Captain James “Sinzy” Sinz. A former Commanding Officer of both Repete and this week’s guest, Pester, Sinzy was an exceptional leader who cared deeply about setting the example, providing guidance when needed, and helping his Sailors and Marines whenever he could. Capt Sinz’s obituary can be found here. Captain Sinz: Fair Winds and Following Seas, Sir. Rest well knowing […]

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Big Beaver Up & Ready! Episode 8

Spaz joins Fig & Repete to tell of his time with the VMA-331 Bumble Bees before the squadron was “flamed-out” (Decommissioned); some of his time in 223; and what happened to cause him to return a Harrier to the tax-payers in many thousands of pieces. Spaz has some great stories to share and is not shy about doing so. Not always a patient man, he describes himself as caffeinated at […]

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Sounds Like the Beginning of a Dirty Joke: Episode 6

Chaz joins Fig & Repete to tell of his adventures as the child of a Pennsylvania Railroad engineer; learning to fly and making life decisions based on recruitment posters! Now retired from the majors, Chaz is a font of aviation lore. We spent a little less than two hours together and realized we were only about half-way through, at best. This interview is split into two shows – the first […]

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9-Point buck Luke hit in 1992

Harrier: 1 – Nine-Point Buck: Zero Episode 5

Luke Joins hosts Fig & Repete to talk about his journey from the midwest to the Naval Academy. He tells how he became a Marine heavy helicopter pilot and Harrier pilot. He recounts a couple of brushes with disaster and how he avoided jumping out of a Harrier right before leaving active duty. There is a saying in aviation: It’s better to be lucky than good. But when your luck […]

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