The Walk Down

The Boss is HAM’N Episode 28

What’s the worst part about being a Blue Angel? Get the unbelievable answer here. And what’s the best part? Lawman says it’s completing a successful tour with the team. We say the corollary is the camaraderie that comes with professionals doing what appears to be impossible and making it look easy, all while holding each other to the highest standard, and of course tormenting each other relentlessly. You will howl […]

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Lawman - Blue Angel 2

NEVER Talk to the Boss Again Episode 27

Our third show with Lawman is a fun one. He opens the show describing how embarrassed he felt living the good life in Qatar while getting combat pay – though he did have to go to Afghanistan to prevent the outbreak of violence between the Marines and the Air Force! Then we back into how he was serving as the Full-Time Support (FTS) Officer for the Marine Reserve squadron in […]

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Fatty & The Crew

Keep an Eye Out for Me Episode 26

Fatty joins the show this week to talk about how he became a Guardsman – and the benefits thereof. He tells how plans went awry when the BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure Commission) got rid of his F-15 Squadron while he was in flight school and how he managed to adapt and overcome. When he found himself in Afghanistan over Christmas of ~2010 Fatty found entertainment in providing roofies to […]

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Here’s to Woody. The Last Worst Day Episode 25

In our second hour with Lawman, things get real. This episode is not entirely comprised of our usual light-hearted hijinks and buffoonery – though we throw some in for good measure. Lawman details months of training aboard the USS Nassau, and losing a squadron mate, Buick, during a night training sortie in the lead-up to Gulf War I. Spending months aboard the boat before the war without going ashore was maddening. […]

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Lawman and His Trusty Steed

The Lieutenant Savoy Incident Episode 24

Lawman sat with us for more than 5 hours to discuss his unique career before becoming a Blue Angel; and how he got to fly almost every plane in the Marine Corps inventory in Afghanistan. We will break this into about five shows and likely intersperse other shows in between. Lawman is a natural storyteller; he had us howling with laughter and choking up in despair. You’ll hear how his upbringing set him up for success in […]

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For Your Eyes Only

Nowhere To Go But Up Episode 23

Double-L of the “Hollywood Guard” regales us with stories from Marine bootcamp to doing really dangerous things like fighting fires with an airplane… “More dangerous than combat.” When you are flying and you feel the heat of the fire it causes you to reconsider the intelligence of your life-choices. Getting to Bagram Air Base, Double-L soon learned he was on the bottom of the Commanding General’s shit-list without even trying…. […]

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It’s a Small World Episode 22

We are joined by Author, Viper & Phantom Driver, and exceptional story-teller, “Jedi” this week. Jedi tells of the adventures of flying the Phantom and the Viper in the Air National Guard. What’s amazing this week is how a chance meeting in a Navy O-Club bar comes full circle almost 40 years later. And Jedi then relates another incident where he was accused of ‘buzzing’ a beach, that comes full […]

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Hanging with Friends

A Vicious Pack of Lieutenants Episode 21

This week we are joined by “Curly” of the VMA-231 Ace of Spades squadron. Curly closes the loop on some of the fun discussed in episode 15 – “Sir, Don’t Eat the Donuts” and other escapades of the LRF. Curly also tells us about some of his 38 combat missions in Gulf War I and how he survived in spite of himself. He sheds light on the adrenalin flow and […]

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The Eagle Was Grounded Episode 20

Another first for the show! This week “Father” joins Fig and Repete in the first Air Force pilot interview on So There I Was. Father flew the F-15 Eagle acquiring 3800+ hours and was the Squadron Commander in St. Louis, MO when he finished his career. Father had the misfortune of being the witness to an accident so mystifying at the time the Air Force Grounded the entire fleet of […]

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Semper Fi, Do or Die! Episode 19

This show is a little different than our others in that it isn’t directly about aviation. But, it IS about a right of passage most Naval Aviators had to go through before being commissioned as officers and starting flight school We are joined by Marine Corps 1st Sgt Retired – “Gunny-Go” – A shortened version of his name. Many a Marine and Navy pilot in the 1980s were taught and […]

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